Avoid Parking Scams

Before choosing a parking garage, make sure you shop around to avoid scams. Recently, the Department of Transportation (DOT) has been cracking down on construction companies and real estate developers who have been putting up fake parking signs.  More than 80 residents have been given parking tickets for as much as $115, according to Eyewitness News. The good news is the companies that are trying to swindle residents out of their parking spaces have been fined as much as $300.
If you’re wondering how people can get away with fake signs – it’s easy. The DOT gives out construction signs to construction companies and developers to help accommodate their workers. Unfortunately, many take advantage and place signs up in areas where there are no construction sites close by. For example, there were illegal signs placed up on streets where the construction site was all the way on a different block. There was even a fake sign that had black tape plastered across the front.
If a sign seems suspicious to you (a faded sign or a sign with tape), take a photo of the sign, notate the street address, find somewhere else to park and contact the DOT to see if the sign is legitimate.
If you’re going to park in the city overnight, be on the safe side and park in a parking garage. There are two ways of going about this: If you’re moving into a high-rise, you will more than likely have access to a parking garage close to your building or within the building underground.
Some residents pay a monthly fee and some do not, depending on the type of building amenities. Keep in mind, every high-rise parking garage is different.
Protect Your Car
If you are parking in a garage, make sure you purchase a bumper protector to protect your car from dents, scrapes, and bangs. Some parking valets are known for bumping cars up against walls to squeeze in as many cars as possible.
Never leave anything valuable in your car, that goes for jewellery, Smartphones, loose change, books, newspapers, toys, groceries, etc. Don’t ever leave your windows open, even if you’re only going to be gone for a minute. Make sure your doors are locked always. Be smart when you park.
SUV’s and Large Vehicles Pay Extra
Do you drive a large SUV or a pickup truck?  Plan on shelling out more money for parking – it can be very expensive. And, don’t forget to include taxes. Taxes can rank as far up as 18.375%.


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