Parking in front of a gate or driveway

Although this practice is particularly prevalent in large cities, parking the vehicle in front of a gate or in front of a driveway is an offense. Drivers who might be tempted by the facility risk a 2nd class parking ticket for inconvenient parking. This is motivated by the fact that the position of the vehicle hinders the movement of other users. Moreover, even if it can be tolerated, parking in front of the gate or the driveway of his home is also an offense that can be punished.
What are the risks of parking in front of a gate or driveway?
Drivers who decide to take the risk of parking in front of a gate or driveway are in violation. Also, in case of control, they will be sanctioned. Indeed, French legislation provides that: "Any stop or parking embarrassing is punishable by the fine provided for the contraventions of the second class. Where the driver or the owner of the vehicle is absent or refuses, in spite of the officers' injunction, to stop the awkward parking, the immobilization and the impoundment may be prescribed. "

What Article R 417-10 of the Highway Code says

This is what we read in article R417-10 of the Highway Traffic Act: "Any vehicle that is stationary or parked must be placed in such a way as to minimize traffic disruption. As impeding public traffic, the parking of a vehicle in front of the driveways of the waterfront buildings. Also, leaving the vehicle parked, even for a few minutes, in front of a gate or the entrance of a building must be carefully considered by the motorist.

Understand the concept of awkward parking

Every year in France, millions of tickets are drawn up by the road safety agents with the reason of the inconvenient parking. It must be said that the Highway Code is very strict on this subject. Since the movements of other road users are hampered by the presence of a vehicle, it is a nuisance parking. Also, leaving your vehicle in front of a gate or driveway generally prevents drivers or pedestrians from leaving their homes.

What are the conditions for parking in front of your own gate?

According to French road regulations, it is not possible to park in front of your own gate or in front of a driveway giving access to your home, without committing an offense. When asked by several MPs, the Ministry of the Interior said that such a practice simply violates the principle of equality of all citizens before the law. Moreover, it was stated that this was equivalent to a privatization of public space, which is totally illegal.

In the case where the vehicle parked in front of a gate or driveway, in a tourist area, and would remain there for more than two hours after issuing the minutes, the parking passes from annoying to abusive. In France, Article R417-13 of the Highway Code prevents the introduction of a 4th class ticket. This takes the form of a fixed fine of 135 Euros, but it does not involve any withdrawal of points on the license of the offender.


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