Few things annoy drivers more than having to spend 20 minutes circling to find a parking space without resorting to parking. And let's not talk about the times when you are forced to abandon the deed and change plans. Peace of mind, as for everything that bothers us, for this there are also mobile applications, and increasingly useful. Take note.

Finding a free site is the main objective of the Wazypark application. This app, developed by Spaniards, is a platform for collaboration between users that allows knowing the sites that are free on the street, receive real-time notifications about the vehicle: robberies, fines, oversights or crime and send these same alerts to others users. This application is free and available for Android and iOS.

A similar system, based on other users' alerts and geolocation, is the one that Aparca Fácil uses. But, if you are guided by the opinions of the users, it seems that it gives enough problems of operation and location.

Parking in public parking lots is sometimes the best solution to save you fifteen laps around the block praying for someone to decide to leave. To save a few euros when choosing this type of parking the perfect application is parking & go. Available for Android and Google in the cities of Madrid and Barcelona (at the moment), this app allows you to save up to 40% on car parks. Directly from the smartphone, the user can: find free places, see the prices with the discount and reserve the place. In addition, you can pay directly from your mobile, without checking out.

Unfortunately, paying to park is very common in the center of cities. Do not you go with the machine to pay the cost of your regulated parking? Well, you have no excuse, because more and more apps that facilitate this work and allow you to pay the amount directly from the Smartphone. You choose the area, your car, the time you are going to be and apoquinar. To facilitate this bad drink a bit, some apps such as E-park, available for Android, iOS, Windows, BlackBerry, and Firefox, the user can pay and also take advantage of the time left by other users. That is, if a driver leaves his place before the time he has paid, you can capture those minutes and save them in your parking lot. Some advantage should have ... Similar is also Telpark, although the latter also allows the payment of parking in public parking.

Once you have parked the car it is important to know where not to suffer those minutes of a heart attack in which you turn thinking that your the vehicle has been stolen. In this case, you will have to resort to apps like Where is my car that records the exact location of the vehicle once it is disconnected from the car's Bluetooth. To find again where you parked you just have to re-enter the application and follow the indications, as it establishes routes to get to the place and even offers you the estimated time of the journey to your car.


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