Whether you have your license for the first time or the tenth time, you are supposed to know how to park your car. Are you far from being the king or queen of parking despite your impeccable niche on the day of the event?

These tips will help you to park anyway on the street, in a car park or in your garage.

Parking on the cob, what is it?

Parking on the cob is to park one's car on a square, usually bounded by white lines, which is neither parallel nor perpendicular to the road. It is an oblique parking lot, very common in agglomerations, whose angle can vary from 45 to 75 °.

Tips for parking your car on the run

Parking the car on the cob usually does not cause any major difficulty, especially since this maneuver is almost always forward. When your front bumper reaches the height of free space, steer your steering wheel to the right and slowly insert. Check your right exterior mirror to avoid a collision with the car on the right, without losing sight of your left headlight so as not to hit the car on the left. If you have not parked in the middle of the square, no problem: back half of your car and make the necessary adjustment.

Good to know: To park on the cob in reverse, begin to steer when the rear of your car reaches the height of the lights of the last vehicle.

Parking in battle, what is it?

Parking in battle consists of parking on a square perpendicular to the roadway at 90 °. You usually park in battle at the supermarket, in an underground car park or in your garage.

Tips for parking your car in battle

Parking First important tip: go backward. Battle parking in reverse is easy to do and you will have excellent visibility when you leave. In addition, this type of place is almost always in places where other vehicles move slowly. So you have time to park quietly and perform a corrective maneuver if necessary.

The process of parking in battle is similar to that of parking on the cob. Activate your turn signal on the side of the coveted spot and slowly go back until the rear of your car reaches the height of the left front light of the one that will be then on your right. Brace your steering wheel and step back slowly.

Good to know: The visibility on the left is not optimal when you park in battle, do not hesitate to make a small walk before to straighten your car and avoid the collision.

Niche parking, what is it?

The niche is the most feared of all types of parking and haunting a large number of city dwellers. It is necessary when you have to park in a space between two cars parked parallel to the roadway.

Tips for parking your car well

To succeed in your niche, you must first arm yourself with a good dose of composure, have your bearings and ignore the driver who is impatient behind you. If any of these ingredients are missing, the failure is assured and you prefer to go around in circles for an hour or park in battle at the exit of the city.

After activating your turn signal, make sure that the vehicle behind you does not stop you from making your niche. Reverse and back slowly in a straight line. When your rear wheels reach the rear bumper of the vehicle on your right, steer your wheels at 45 ° while continuing slowly backward.

Counter-steering is the key step of the niche. It must begin when the angle formed by your car and other vehicles is 45°, or if you prefer, when you see about a third of the sidewalk in your rear windshield. Use all your mirrors to guide you and especially, fold down the one facing the road as a precaution when you get out of your car.


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