Tips for parking your car well

The niche is the most feared of all types of parking and haunting a large number of city dwellers. It is essential when you have to park in a space between two cars parked parallel to the roadway.

To succeed in your niche, you must first arm yourself with a good dose of composure, have your bearings and ignore the driver who is impatient behind you. If any of these ingredients are missing, it is a failure and you will prefer to go around in circles for an hour or park in battle at the exit of the city.

After activating your turn signal, make sure that the vehicle behind you does not stop you from realizing your niche. Reverse and back slowly in a straight line. When your rear wheels reach the rear bumper of the vehicle on your right, steer your wheels at 45 ° while continuing slowly backward.

Counter-steering is the key step of the niche. It should start when the angle formed by your car and other vehicles is 45 °, or if you prefer, when you see about a third of the sidewalk in your rear windshield. Use all your mirrors to guide you and, above all, close the one facing the road as a precaution when you get out of your car.

Good to know :

If your car is too far from the sidewalk after your niche, you must repeat the whole procedure.

Now that you know the theory to park your car on the cob, battle, and niche, all you have to do is practice! Remember to activate your handbrake at the end of the maneuver. Over time, you will know the dimensions of your vehicle and will be able to park more easily. And if you want to park without effort, the parking aid (sensors, rearview camera) can make your life easier and all your maneuvers.

The key points to remember:
- Know how to be patient and use your mirrors.
- Know the dimensions of your car and have your own benchmarks.
- During a slot, the counter-steering occurs when a third of the sidewalk appears in the rear window.


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