Leave a parking lot almost blocked with an unusual manoeuvre

This time I focus on the genius of conduct @ r, which has given the mill in such a way, that it has left everyone with their mouths open or almost, thanks to a lavish manoeuvre. And as always, I don't exaggerate a bit. In the video, you can see a large car trying to leave a parking space, almost blocked by other tourism, an operation that at first sight seems completely impossible. 

Well, no!!!This escapism teacher, who might well be an outstanding student of Harry Houdini, manages to, so that in a little less than a rooster sings, emerge victories from the challenge.

And the most incredible thing is that it does not touch the rest of the vehicles parked in the place. Take it now.

That's how my eyes look after seeing how this hybrid spends them between Fernando Alonso and Carlos Saenz. P.S. And as the thing is about parking, I leave other manoeuvres worthy of being included in the driving record.

I have seen unfortunate attempts at parking, “triumphant” exits of car wash tunnels, but like what happens to this driver after stopping his vehicle I have not observed anything similar.
As possessed by a diabolical force or controlled by an extraterrestrial spacecraft, the car undertakes a journey without return to a disaster.

German who concluded that women find it difficult to park because of testosterone levels. Perhaps sovereign nonsense, but academic institutions sometimes spend their money on studies with a very little scientific basis. The case at hand today could enter into the sample analyzed to confirm this conclusion. The woman protagonist of this video is especially careful not to hit any vehicles, but her ‘abilities’ to leave a parking lot are worthy of other research.

Although there were free places for a wedding in the parking lot of a US mall, the attitude of the driver of a brand-new BMW, who decided to park his vehicle badly and occupy two places, removed the owner of the SUV from his boxes that star in the video.
As possessed by Pier Nodoyuna's soul, Patán's laughter lacked to crown the scene, the ‘gruista’ applied conscientiously. He maneuvered, stepped on the Jeep throttle and unleashed the horses of his machine. Somebody stop me !!!


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